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Anticipating and embracing change...


2023 is going to be dominated by change

Buyers want quick time to value, low total cost of ownership, and minimal risk.  Software providers want quicker time to revenue and expanded value and differentiation.


All of this amidst the torrent of noise surrounding AI... Promise vs. reality.


How are customers expected to discern hype from reality? How do software providers rise above the noise?

Technology vs. Solutions

2023 is  the year informed technology and platform vendors transition to industry specific, use case specific, solutions (applets or mini-apps) that can be easily discovered and consumed in any customer environment.


It’s the year where ‘Consumable Business’ or the ‘Consumable Application Framework’ becomes reality and it's the year AI is monetized as it becomes an integrated part of larger, prepackaged solutions.

Partnerships become key

The vendor and partner ecosystems are going to change and the competitive landscape will look very different. Identifying and securing the right partnerships will be key to success.


Some will make the transition... others will not.

Now's the time to act

Increased interest and demand for configurable solutions that focus on automating customer centric experiences will create a ripple effect throughout the industry for purpose built, consumable experiences that can be discovered and integrated within larger business processes in minutes.


Vendors who can respond to the change in buyer behavior and provide pre-built experiences that incorporate and hide the seems associated with mobile edge based machine vision, multi-channel experience interaction, workflow automation, data analytics, system to system interoperability, and content understanding will be well positioned to ride the next wave of growth.

Allow us to be your trusted advisor...

We're prepared to help you navigate the go to market changes associated with the next way of growth in the Digital Transformation Market.


We can help you:


  • Establish and/or reset your go to market strategy to align with current market dynamics and buying behaviors

  • Align your product / solution portfolio with your revised go to market strategy

  • Establish an integrated business development strategy that drives strategic relationships (go to market and technology partnerships)

  • Help your team establish and track OKRs to ensure execution remains on point

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